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登记状态 存续 成立日期 2011-07-05
注册资本 (人民币)10.0000万元 企业类型 有限责任公司 核准日期 2021-08-25
统一社会信用代码 91440300578823**** 组织机构代码 578823*** 工商注册号 44030610553****
所属行业 通信/电信/网络设备 电子技术/半导体/集成电路 所在地区 广东省.深圳市
营业期限 2011-07-05至 登记机关 深圳市市场监督管理局 人员规模 50-150人
企业地址 深圳市龙华区大浪街道高峰社区华荣路39号科源商务大厦康瑞时代广场705 查看地图
经营范围 计算机网络技术开发(不含提供互联网上网服务)及相关咨询;电子产品的技术开发与销售;从事广告业务;市场营销策划;电子期刊设计;网站设计;展览展示策划;礼仪策划。(法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定在登记前须批准的项目除外)^;


Microwave & RF World is founded by Retey Media Inc. Retey is a new innovative media company which focus on wireless technology and new energy field, founded by an expert team whom have traditional industry background and innovative network technology. The portal www.mwrf.net which founded by Retey is currently the biggest in microwave & RF industry in China.We service for more than 200 thousand Chinese microwave & RF engineers, and have the first-class influence and popularity in China.Along with the highly integrated of electronic devices, the wireless communications represented as 3G, 4G (LTE, WiMAX) develop rapidly, and Internet of Things, RFID, M2M are used widely. The Microwave & RF technology gets extensive and comprehensive developments in many important fields, such as industry,wireless communications,medical electronics, EMC etc.The Microwave & RF technology gets unprecedented development in commercial and civilian areas in recent years, which is originally used in military and scientific research. Meanwhile, along with the rapid development of scientific technology, the researches of wireless technology are developing towards higher frequency ranges-millimeter wave, sub-millimeter wave band, terahertz (THz) band.New applicantion fields and new technology promote microwave & RF technology develop comprehensively and rapidly. The communications of information between different industries have become more close and important.Microwave & RF World is positioned as a international site service for the global microwave & RF professionals. We are willing to create an outstanding platform of the latest information,network maketing,industry topic communication and industry knowledge dissemination and popularization to microwave & RF industry users from all over the world. We provide the best marketing solutions of accurate target audience to industry companies. At the same time, depending on the advantage of www.mwrf。, the products and articles which are published in the Microwave & RF World would be more easily spreaded to Chinese users(Of course we need your permission). We still have an important mission is "To recommend high cost performance microwave & RF products from China to global professionals, to save and control your costs."


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