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登记状态 在营 成立日期 2008-03-20
注册资本 3020万美元 企业类型 有限责任公司(中外合作) 核准日期 2008-03-20
统一社会信用代码 91310000671173**** 组织机构代码 671173*** 工商注册号 31000040056****
所属行业 商务服务业 所在地区 上海市.上海市
营业期限 2008-03-20至2038-03-19 登记机关 上海市市场监督管理局 人员规模 1000-5000人
企业地址 上海市黄浦区九江路660-686号11楼A部位 查看地图
经营范围 英语培训,提供相关的培训咨询。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】


作为享誉世界超过80年的家庭品牌,迪士尼最经典的故事和广受欢迎的卡通明星给全球的孩子和家长带来了无限的欢乐。过去的25年里,华特迪士尼公司制作出版了大量适合不同年龄儿童得英语教学内容,并以专业的态度和热情相继推出英语教学课程。给孩子们的英语学习带来了无限乐趣。国内外知名的英语教育学家,儿童早教专家以及由作家,艺术家和格莱美提名音乐家组成的教程编写团队,共创世界领先教程,奠定了踏实的教学基础。走进梦幻般的大楼,就已踏入迪士尼奇妙世界。以迪士尼故事命名的主题教室中,先进的遥控触摸屏和故事情景投影科技将孩子带入迪士尼经典故事,和他们喜欢的卡通朋友一起探索神奇的英语世界。以歌曲、逻辑、游戏、空间等独创性学习,打开孩子的“潜能之门”,激活“语言中枢”,流利英语脱口而出,同时大幅度提高孩子的自信心,沟通能力和全球视野等综合能力。为了带给孩子们纯正地道的英语,迪士尼选拔了一支拥有优秀教育背景和资质的外教团队。经由美国哥伦比亚大学教师学院的专业培训,所有外教均获得TEFL-C的高级英语培训证书。辅导书,游戏卡,英语歌曲以及家长和孩子的在线课堂等一系列奥妙无穷的课后家庭互动学习,迪士尼鼓励孩子在家中与您一起分享英语乐趣,进一步提高英语驾驭能力。As the leading family brand in the world, Disney has been entertaining children and their parents with timeless stories and beloved characters for more than 80 years.Over the last 25 years, the Walt Disney Company has also become a recognized educational provider by developing globally successful English Language Learning materials, producing countless educational programs and delivering classroom programs with unparalleled professionalism and enthusiasm.Disney’s curriculum has been developed with the support of an advisory board of world class academics, including internationally recognized English Language Learning Specialists and early childhood development experts. They are joined by an unparalleled content development team comprised of curriculum writers, artists, and musicians, including Grammy Award nominated songwriters, along with other experts from inside and outside China.Engaging child-friendly content, fantastic learning environment and the Disney English Magic Theater using innovative interactive white boards with projection technology imerses children in “authentic” learning experiences by bringing them on an adventure within Disney’s timeless stories and alongside their favorite characters.Given that all children have their own strengths and unique ways of learning, Disney has created an innovative approach that will leverage these inherent strengths to help all children learn confident and proficient English.Disney English hires only experienced teachers with excellent educational qualifications each of whom are provided with TEFL-C training and certification, a program developed in association with Teachers’ College of Columbia University. With the help of our trainers, your child will learn authentic English with an accurate native accent.Our program encourages children to interact, learn and have fun with their parents and friends using our rich supplementary materials, including activity books, game boards, brand new Disney English music, our parent and student online “Home Connection” portal and much more. At Disney English, learning does not stop at the classroom door.


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华特迪士尼英语培训(上海)有限公司 021-2****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
华特迪士尼英语培训(上海)有限公司 021-2****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
华特迪士尼英语培训(上海)有限公司 021-2****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
华特迪士尼英语培训(上海)有限公司 021-2****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
华特迪士尼英语培训(上海)有限公司 021-6****** (登录查看) elaine ****** (登录查看)

电子邮箱 6

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华特迪士尼英语培训(上海)有限公司 amy.m****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
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