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Andreas Stecken
登记状态 存续 成立日期 2011-09-19
注册资本 13136.8475万人民币 企业类型 有限责任公司(外国法人独资) 核准日期 2011-09-19
统一社会信用代码 91310000582116**** 组织机构代码 582116*** 工商注册号 31011540027****
所属行业 汽车及零配件 所在地区 上海市.上海市
营业期限 2011-09-19至2041-09-18 登记机关 上海市市场监督管理局 人员规模 150-500人
企业地址 上海市嘉定工业区兴贤路1180号3幢二层E区 查看地图
经营范围 开发、设计、生产车辆排气系统及相关零部件,销售本公司自产产品;上述产品及同类商品、车辆排气系统生产设备、模具的进出口、批发、佣金代理(拍卖除外),并提供相关的技术咨询和技术服务;市场营销策划(广告除外)。(不涉及国营贸易管理商品;涉及配额、许可证管理商品的,按照国家有关规定办理申请)【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】


Pioneering concepts for a mobile world: Eberspaecher is a globally successful high-tech supplier of Exhaust Technology, Vehicle Heaters, Electrical Vehicle Heaters, Bus Air Conditioning Systems, Automotive Electronics for the automotive industry. A dynamic, independent family company with about 7,000 employees. A good place to develop your potential. Seize your chance now!PositioningEberspächer is a leading systems supplier for exhaust technology,vehicle heating systems and bus AC systems. We are also a professional innovation partner for the automotive industry worldwide in vehicle electronics and networking with automotive bus systems. Eberspächer’spioneering products make passenger cars and commercial vehicles across the world more powerful with real gains in terms of comfort and safety. All vehicle manufacturers in Europe and North America, as well as an increasing number of producers in Asia, rely on our technology.TraditionFounded in 1865, we remain to this day a privately owned family business with lean, medium-sized structures: quick to make decisions, with fast expert implementation. We are able to determine our own strategic orientation, priorities, and the focus of our daily work. We focus on long-term business relationships, not short-term gains. We drive the development of our entire group of companies forward with passion, a sense of balance, and a clear strategy for growth.InternationalMore than 60 locations in 26 countries on four continents – we are wherever our auto industry clients need us to be. Our international business contributes approximately 50 percent of our revenue – and this trend continues to grow. This international presence is something every company needs today. The global structures and standardized processes in our worldwide development and manufacturing network are crucial and form the pillars upon which our international forward strategy is based.EmployeesThe Eberspächer Group employs about 6,000 people worldwide. All unified by their passion for automobiles and for innovative products and solutions. Their team spirit, their joy in responsibility and personal development, are key factors in our continued success. In the future, the Eberspächer family will grow primarily in the four BRI C countries: Brazil,Russia, India and China.ProductionOur products are not just innovative – they’re competitive on the international stage. In the future we remain fully dedicated to increasing productivity and keeping our unit costs under control. This also applies to our new factories in Germany (Dresden) and Brazil, which have made the international Eberspächer network even more stronger.RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTEberspächer invests about six percent of its influenceable revenues (without monoliths) in research and development each year. An investment that in international comparison makes us an innovative leader in the automotive industry. We are always a step ahead in basic research.We also are pursuing the strategy of leveraging our core competencies to develop new technologies, as well as winning new markets with our existing product know-how.www.eberspaecher.com


公司名称 手机电话 联系人 职务 来源
普赫姆汽车技术(上海)有限公司 021-6****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
埃贝赫排气技术(上海)有限公司 135-0****** (登录查看) DR.THOMAS;胡男;DR.THOMAS WUENSCHE JOACHIM ****** (登录查看)
埃贝赫排气技术(上海)有限公司 021-6****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
埃贝赫排气技术(上海)有限公司 021-6****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
埃贝赫排气技术(上海)有限公司 021-6****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
埃贝赫排气技术(上海)有限公司 63524****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)

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埃贝赫排气技术(上海)有限公司 yan.s****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
埃贝赫排气技术(上海)有限公司 sunny****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
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