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登记状态 在营 成立日期 2009-12-18
注册资本 4426.07万人民币 企业类型 有限责任公司(港澳台投资、非独资) 核准日期 2016-12-09
统一社会信用代码 91440300695598**** 组织机构代码 695598*** 工商注册号 44030650336****
所属行业 专用设备制造业 所在地区 广东省.深圳市
营业期限 2009-12-18至 登记机关 深圳市市场监督管理局 人员规模 150-500人
企业地址 深圳市宝安区新桥街道象山社区新发东路17号第一栋101、17号、15号、19号 查看地图
经营范围 一般经营项目是:建筑工程用机械销售。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动),许可经营项目是:研发、生产经营模具、五金制品、塑胶制品、塑胶电子装配制品、精度高于0.02毫米(含0.02毫米)精密冲压模具、精度高于0.05毫米(含0.05毫米)精密型腔模具、模具标准件、硅胶模具、医疗塑胶产品及硅胶制品;自有房产租赁;货物及技术进出口(不含分销及国家专营专控商品);建筑材料生产专用机械制造.(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准)








SHOUJU Industrial Ltd has been established in Hong Kong Since 1987. We always focus on the world's top-class research and development of precision plastic injection mold design and manufacturing. We dedicate to become a "world-class service provider of injection mold." In this 20-odd years, SHOUJU with the times and continues to make breakthrough in new products and new technologies.

All our molds export to the United States, Britain, Switzerland, France, Germany and many other western countries. With our excellent technologies, quality and services, SHOUJU has won the trust and long-term cooperation of customers around the world.

SHOUJU precision mold services provided molds for Avon, Mary Kay, Electrolux, BBA and other world-class well-known brands of products.

SHOUJU automotive molds worked for Volkswagen, General Motors, Ford, Volvo, Nissan, Buick and many of the world's top-class car manufacturers.

SHOUJU not only the technology has won the respect of customers, but also more professional and dedicated services won customers’ trust. SHOUJU has a strong engineering services team, every project engineer and sales engineer has extensive experience in bilingual talents, and communicate with customers unaffectedly.

In the history of SHOUJU, we put emphasis on corporate social values and social responsibilities. In the Hope Primary School, natural disasters, and many other assistance, as well as environmental protections, SHOUJU will do our utmost to support.

SHOUJU has been committed to the creation of school-based, family-oriented corporate culture. From the professional skills to the management capacity, each department has at least 4 hours or more internal and external professional training every month. Three years ago, which has the country's largest corporate training organizations, "Jucheng Training Company", as well as the famous "Action Successful Company” has established long-term training and cooperative relations.

Over 20 years, SHOUJU always keep our mission “To create value for customers and employees“ .We believe you will let SHOUJU more brilliant than before after you join us.


公司名称 手机电话 联系人 职务 来源
森骏卓越精密智造(深圳)有限公司 176-8****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
森骏卓越精密模具(深圳)有限公司 137-2****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
森骏卓越精密模具(深圳)有限公司 0755-****** (登录查看) 杨小姐;袁小姐 ****** (登录查看)
森骏卓越精密模具(深圳)有限公司 0755-****** (登录查看) 马先生 ****** (登录查看)
森骏卓越精密模具(深圳)有限公司 0755-****** (登录查看) 潘小姐,袁小姐;蒋方荣 ****** (登录查看)
森骏卓越精密模具(深圳)有限公司 0755-****** (登录查看) 蒋方荣 ****** (登录查看)
森骏卓越精密模具(深圳)有限公司 0755-****** (登录查看) 潘小姐,杨小姐 ****** (登录查看)
森骏卓越精密模具(深圳)有限公司 0755-****** (登录查看) 潘小姐 ****** (登录查看)
森骏卓越精密模具(深圳)有限公司 0755-****** (登录查看) 潘小姐;袁小姐;Andy;杜小姐;杨小姐;Jimmy;姚小姐 ****** (登录查看)
森骏卓越精密模具(深圳)有限公司 0755-****** (登录查看) 潘女士 ****** (登录查看)

电子邮箱 20

公司名称 邮箱 联系人 职务 来源
森骏卓越精密智造(深圳)有限公司 heniy****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
森骏卓越精密模具(深圳)有限公司 halle****** (登录查看) 袁小姐 ****** (登录查看)
森骏卓越精密模具(深圳)有限公司 panwe****** (登录查看) 潘小姐 ****** (登录查看)
森骏卓越精密模具(深圳)有限公司 murph****** (登录查看) 杨小姐 ****** (登录查看)
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森骏卓越精密模具(深圳)有限公司 hr01@****** (登录查看) 潘小姐;杨小姐;杜小姐;袁小姐 ****** (登录查看)
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