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登记状态 在营 成立日期 2014-12-01
注册资本 10000万人民币 企业类型 其他有限责任公司 核准日期 2021-07-12
统一社会信用代码 91510522326983**** 组织机构代码 326983*** 工商注册号 51052200004****
所属行业 商务服务业 所在地区 四川省.泸州市.合江县
营业期限 2014-12-01至 登记机关 合江县市场监督管理局 人员规模 少于50人
企业地址 四川省泸州市合江县符阳街道复兴路居委十组17号 查看地图
经营范围 旅游开发;农业开发;酒店管理;房地产开发;旅游接待及观光服务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)


四川金渝旅游开发集团有限公司简介Sichuan Jinyu Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd.Introduction四川金渝旅游开发集团有限公司是一家由央企中国核工业集团全资子公司中国华宇经济发展有限公司全资控股的企业,注册资本1亿元。集团于2015年7月23日在中国(四川)国际旅游投资大会上签订四川合江金龙湖国际旅游度假区开发协定,计划投资180亿元,通过十年开发建设,将“金龙湖国际旅游度假区”打造成集互联网+、旅游度假、文化传播、健康生活为一体的文化旅游度假社区。金渝集团秉承“业有金,予以渝”的发展哲学,坚持全球化视野、国际化品位、现代化风貌、市场化思维、专业化发展、规范化运营、科学化决策、人本化管理,力争在2020年完成固定资产和营业收入“双百亿”目标。Sichuan Jinyu Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd., wholly-owned by China Huayu Economic Development Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNNC, has a registered capital of 100 million RMB. On 23rd July 2015, Jinyu Group signed a development contract for Hejiang (Sichuan) King Lagoon International Tourism & Resort Zone on the China (Sichuan) International Tourism Investment Conference. With a proposed investment value of 18 billion RMB, the Group is planning to take a decade to turn “King Lagoon International Tourism & Resort Zone” into a cultural tourism resort integrating Internet+, tourism, cultural dissemination and a healthy lifestyle.In accordance with the development philosophy of “profits of the company should pay back Chongqing community”, Jinyu Group insists on having a global vision, international taste, modern style, market-oriented thinking, professional development, standardized operation, scientific decision-making and human-oriented management, striving for achieving the “double 10 billion” goal for both its fixed assets and operation revenue in 2020.集团现有各产业情况Status quo of the Group’s industries《金龙湖》位于川黔两省的合江县凤鸣镇和贵州赤水市天台镇交界处,川黔渝旅游金三角最中心,幅员面积约为50平方公里,海拔1150米。景区内拥有动植物2795种,金丝楠木,红豆杉、桫椤等珍稀濒危植物36种,云豹、弹琴蛙等国家重点保护动物40种,常年气温平均17.8摄氏度,95%以上森林覆盖率,7万亩原生态森林,每立方米含32000个负氧离子含量,1600亩高山湖泊,270度临崖视野,项目于2016年9月被四川省旅游发展委员会列为《省重点旅游开发项目》。With an altitude of 1150 metres, covering an area of 50 square kilometres, the King Lagoon is situated at the centremost of the Tourism Golden Triangle, i.e. Sichuan, Guizhou and Chongqing provinces, and at the junction of Fengming Town of Hejiang County (bordering both Sichuan and Guizhou Provinces) and Tiantai Town of Chichui City, Guizhou Province.There are totally 2795 types of flora and fauna in the scenic spot, with 36 types of endangered plants, including silkwood, Chinese yew and Alsophila spinulosa, and 40 types of nation key protective animals, including clouded leopard and Rana adenopleura. With an average temperature of 17.8 degree celsius all year round, the spot enjoys a forest coverage of over 95%, 70,000 mu of primeval forests, 32,000 negative oxygen ions per cubic centimetre, 1600 mu of alpine lakes and a 270-degree cliff-edge view. with evergreen plants and white snow forming a delightful contract. In September of 2016


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四川金渝旅游开发集团有限公司 0830-****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
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四川金渝旅游开发集团有限公司 0830-****** (登录查看) 周宇 ****** (登录查看)
四川金渝旅游开发集团有限公司 0830-****** (登录查看) 申艳霞 ****** (登录查看)

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