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登记状态 存续 成立日期 2009-11-24
注册资本 198万人民币 企业类型 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) 核准日期 2016-01-08
统一社会信用代码 91331023697043**** 组织机构代码 697043*** 工商注册号 33102300001****
所属行业 批发业 所在地区 浙江省.台州市.天台县
营业期限 登记机关 天台县市场监督管理局 人员规模 小于50人
企业地址 天台县坦头镇八一村(文山自然村) 查看地图
经营范围 货物进出口、技术进出口;竹木工艺品、塑料制品、汽车装饰品销售。


Zhejiang Dinghao International Co., Ltd. has been approved by national economic trade dept, in 2009. It is a foreign trade company,It’s mainly deals with the ipmport and export of product,technology operations and principal-agent import and export product,whose registered capital is RMB 1 million and 980 thousands. In order to expand the market and internally focus on the management , the company is in line with the man-aging direction principle of "regarding the scale expansion as the theme, the structural optimization as the foundation, the sci-tech progress as the guidance, the standard management as the guarantee". We spare no effort to build “Dinghao” brand serves for the whole world.It mainly deals with the import and export business of bamboo&wood craft, automobile accessories ,plastic products , daily commodities,ornaments and so on.We welcome broad domestic and overseas customers come to visit our company and enter into business relationship on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.?Face the quickly transform of economic globalization, we firmly believe that innovation and development are the same pursuits of Dinghao people。


公司名称 手机电话 联系人 职务 来源
浙江天台鼎好国际贸易有限公司 0576-****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
浙江天台鼎好国际贸易有限公司 0576-****** (登录查看) 翟世平 ****** (登录查看)
浙江天台鼎好国际贸易有限公司 135-0****** (登录查看) 翟世平 ****** (登录查看)

电子邮箱 1

公司名称 邮箱 联系人 职务 来源
浙江天台鼎好国际贸易有限公司 zgzjz****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
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