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登记状态 开业 成立日期 2010-09-17
注册资本 2500万人民币 企业类型 其他有限责任公司 核准日期 2017-03-30
统一社会信用代码 91610131561462**** 组织机构代码 561462*** 工商注册号 61013110004****
所属行业 卫生 所在地区 陕西.西安
营业期限 登记机关 西安市市场监督管理局高新区分局 人员规模 150-500人
企业地址 西安市高新区科技路30号 查看地图
经营范围 许可项目:医疗美容服务;医疗服务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以审批结果为准)


西安俪人医院,位于陕西省西安市高新区,是西北首家与国际接轨、引进3h国际医疗管理服务模式即集hospital医院、hotel酒店、home家于一体的高端医疗机构。具有国内***医疗服务水准的高端医疗服务体系;也是西北地区唯一一家按照美国医疗机构评审国际联合委员会jci国际医院管理标准执行,可服务于国际友人的涉外医院。医院依托专家优势,形成以医疗、科研、示范教学为一体的浓厚的学术氛围,并以此为专业支撑组建了一支享誉古城的妇产科专家团队,围绕高技术的人才队伍,引进高、精、尖系列先进技术与设备,使医院的硬件建设和软件得到同步发展。   医院提供“人性化医疗服务”,以人性化服务理念践行俪人精品妇科品牌精髓;传承专业而严谨的医学精神为立院根本,以持续高质量的医疗技术让***健康诊疗更加安全、更具品质;树立专业与专注的职业精神为服务准则,明确专科化、精细化的定位,为各年龄阶段***建立起完善的健康管理体系;提供有别于传统医院的服务项目,让***的求医渠道更精准,求医过程更便捷,为***营造真正意义上的私家健康家园。


liren hospital is located high-tech zone in xi’an of shaanxi province, is the northwest first line with international standards, the introduction of international medical management services 3h mode that sets hospital, hotel, home in one of the high medical institutio quality of medical services with the country top high medical services system; is the only one in northwest accreditation of healthcare organizations by the united states international joint commission jci international hospital management standards, can serve our international friends foreign hospitals.   the hospital rely on experts, and form of medical, scientific research, demonstration teaching as one of the strong academic atmosphere, and as a professional support for the formation of a team of renowned experts in the ancient city of obstetrics and gynecology, focusing on high-tech personnel, the introduction of high-grade, a sharp series of advanced technology and equipment, construction of the hospital hardware and software are developed simultaneously.

the hospital provide“ humane care” to the concept of human services gynecological practice ladies boutique brand essence; heritage medical professional and the spirit of the legislative yuan rigorous fundamental to sustain the high quality medical technology and health clinics to make women safer and more with quality; foster the spirit of professional and dedicated professional service standards, clear specialty, fine positioning, for all ages of women's health to establish a sound management system; provides different from the traditional hospital services, so that women seeking medical sources more accurate, more convenient medical treatment process for women to create a true sense of the private health of their homes

liren hospital in line with international quality, business people, medical purpose, healer world of love and mind, and constantly improve the ability of comprehensive medical services, health of modern women aspire to success.


公司名称 手机电话 联系人 职务 来源
西安俪人医院有限公司 173-9****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
西安俪人医院有限公司 029-8****** (登录查看) 王燕 ****** (登录查看)
西安俪人医院有限公司 029-8****** (登录查看) 王燕 ****** (登录查看)
西安俪人医院有限公司 189-0****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
西安俪人医院有限公司 181-9****** (登录查看) 姚女士 ****** (登录查看)

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公司名称 邮箱 联系人 职务 来源
西安俪人医院有限公司 lryy@****** (登录查看) ****** (登录查看)
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